October 2023

Trustees of Prayer

We have been entrusted by God with gifts, time, finances, health, etc. for the work he has prepared in advance for us to do. We must see ourselves as trustees and in so doing, we need to know that we have been taught to pray and responsible to join in the unfolding of Gods' kingdom […]

A Cross Christ Centered Life

The grace of Christ extended to us through faith is transformational for us. We are transformed from selfish to selfless seeking ways to live out this grace in everyday living.

September 2023

Growing in Grace

Galatians 4 Grace is perhaps the most misunderstood doctrine of the Christian faith. If we truly grasped its truth, we’d be set free to live in the power of the Holy Spirit and to live out Christ’s law of love with overwhelming joy. We’d be unstoppable!

August 2023

Do not set aside Grace

Grace is perhaps the most misunderstood doctrine of the Christian faith. If we truly grasped its truth, we’d be set free to live in the power of the Holy Spirit and to live out Christ’s law of love with overwhelming joy. We’d be unstoppable!

June 2023

Fear of Failure and Loss

Johnny Barrett shares a wonderful message on loss, love, and trusting God along the way.  
