Want to find ways to reflect on our teaching series and weekly Gathering message, then integrate it into your life during the rest of the week? Sermon Reach is an app we use at Haven
Field to do just that! Sign up for a Sermon Reach account and you can receive a preview of the Sunday lesson, plus receive encouragement for carrying out what we learn
on into the following days.
If you have already subscribed to Sermon Reach then please make sure you are aware of the following:
You can share the day’s Reach with your Facebook and Twitter accounts via buttons on the reach page!
But that’s not all…Getting your Sermon Reach just got easier! Now you can get it via SMS!
Same great content, new more convenient delivery method. If you choose SMS or Both (email and SMS) you will receive one SMS message each day with the Reach link included.
Here are the simple steps to get started receiving your Reach via text (SMS) message.
- Sign in to your account at
- Click the ‘SMS’ or ‘BOTH’ button
- Add your 10 digit phone number in the prompt and click ‘OK’
- You should receive a verification text with a 4 digit code, enter that code into the ‘Verification Code’ box and click ‘Confirm’
- If you do not receive the code within a few minutes, check the phone number entered and click resend.
Once you have confirmed, you’re all set! Your next reach will come via SMS, Email or Both depending on your choice!