LEAD PASTOR: Todd Harrington
I am glad to be a part of leading Haven Field for the purpose of connecting the disconnected to be restored to live on mission with Christ. My wife, Jennifer, and I have been married since 1998, and we have three children: Allie, Emma and Jack. email Todd
I’m thrilled to be a part of Haven Field in a bi-vocational context, as I currently work as a Network Designer for an engineering firm. I’ve always had a passion for leading worship, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to continue to lead here at Haven Field. Not everyone worships the same way, and I love being a part of one of the many avenues of worship offered at Haven Field. Additionally, I love getting others involved in leading worship. In our short life as a church, we’ve already seen tremendous involvement from the community in this regard, and I look forward to all the new faces that will join us in leading worship in the future.
I am from the area as I attended Vestavia Hills High School before moving on to Auburn University. I’ve been a part of the worship team at Haven Field since its beginning, before moving into a leadership position in 2018. When I get some free time, I enjoy playing golf, attending my nieces’ and nephews’ sporting events, and taking a day trip down to Auburn whenever possible.
CJ Jones
Men’s Ministry
Jennifer Harrington, Allie Harrington and Shannon Dillard
Children’s MinistryBirth through elementary
Student Minister (looking for a part time staff member)
Middle school through high school students and their families
Prayer Ministry
Khiry Young